Bookings and payments must be received through the little art website (www.thelittleartlab.com). A single booking is for ONE CHILD and ONE PARENT only, unless otherwise stated. Young babies not participating and in a worn baby carrier can attend without charge. Bookings are live and therefore only finalised once payment has been received. We are unfortunately unable to hold places. BLOCK BOOKINGS can be cancelled at full value minus a €50 cancellation fee, until 23:59 hours of the day preceding the start date, e.g. Monday 23:59 for the Tuesday classes. Block bookings are non-refundable from the date the block booking starts, but can be transferred to a different name within the first 14 days of the block starting.

Places are non-refundable and the date is non-transferrable, you can however transfer the name. A child can only book ONCE for a TRIAL/DEMO of a specific block booked class, it is not to be regarded as a one off event, (see website for current offers.) Repeat bookings for a DEMO/TRIAL of the same class will be cancelled. WORKSHOP/OTHER SINGLE EVENTS are non-refundable and the date is non-transferrable, you can however transfer the name by emailing the name in advance to hello@littleartberlin.com.

Lessons may be cancelled or postponed or may be held by a leader other than the leader designated to the class. In case of extreme weather conditions please contact us via email (hello@littleartberlin.com) for more information on cancellations. In case a lesson has to be cancelled at very short notice, little art will contact each family by phone. If a lesson is cancelled it will be refunded, unless in case of acts beyond control of little art.

2.MAKE UP POLICY. (Only for 10 class block bookings)
The 10 class block booking is valid during the 10 scheduled weeks of the term. There is a holiday in each term, check the class term dates for the holiday break. The holiday dates are not included as part of the 10 scheduled weeks. You are entitled to up to 3 make up classes, taken by YOUR CHILD ONLY on a different date, providing you have emailed within 24 hours of each missed class start time. 7 week Music & Art Explorers participants are entitled to 2 make up classes.We will offer you up to 2 suggestions for each make up, the more in advance you let us know the more likely it is we can offer you a good solution.

It is no longer possible to sell or gift a spot for a single class. The pass is only for the child named on it, valid within the dates on it. See 1. for information on selling the whole block.

All prices on our website are net prices plus the respective valid tax, at present 19% USt. (statutory value added tax,) added at final payment. Payments must be made using the online payment system. little art is un- able to take cash payments. All bookings must be prepaid. Interest on arrears will be charged at a rate of 5 % p. a. above the base interest rate (Art. 247 BGB). If you wish to use a card for a bank account other than a European registered one, please email hello@littleartberlin.com in advance with the country of issue, and if USA, the state.

little art is liable for intent and gross negligence in accordance with the legal provisions for damages or reimbursement of expenses. In other cases we are liable limited to breach of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is essential to the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance you may rely on under normal circumstances (so-called cardinal obligation), limited to the replacement of foreseeable and typical damage. In all other cases, our liability is excluded except liability for damages arising from injury to life, body or health. To the extent that our liability is excluded or limited under the foregoing clauses, such exclusion or limitation applies accordingly to our leaders, employees, freelancers and agents.We ask that you leave all valuables at home.

6. Please bring a smock and/or a change of clothes in case you and your children get messy. Clothes that you consider for “messy use” or “play” are best. We believe the resources we are using to be washable. Yet, art materials may still get on clothes and stain. We accept no liability for clothes, shoes, bags etc, which are stained, marked or damaged. little art cannot accept responsibility for a child who leaves the premises during class hours.

Staff may not be first aid certified and we are therefore unable to offer assistance other than offer our First Aid Kit and alert the relevant emergency services.

Parents are obliged to hold a valid public liability insurance policy (Haftpflichtversicherung), including,“ Deliktunfähige Kinder,” which covers damages or injury of whatsoever kind caused by themselves or their children regardless of their age, including, but not limited to, to the venue, its contents and persons therein. On request the parents shall provide a corresponding certificate of the aforementioned insurance policy to little art.

9. HEALTH AND SAFETY (with parents in attendance)
The safety of all children has first priority. Children and their grown ups should all be in good and non-contagious health to attend these classes, for the safety and well being of everyone. If you are in any doubt please seek sound medical advice you are entirely happy with and email staff beforehand. Please also ensure everyone is fully recovered before your return.The accompanying parent / carer is entirely responsible for the child/children in their care, this includes the responsibility for the choice of resources their child / children will get in contact with. They must supervise their child/children throughout the time they are on the premises. He or she has to be prepared to act, if the child endangers itself or other children or if the child persistently disturbs the class, or causes excessive waste or mess. If it is not possible to stop the behaviour of a child, we reserve the right to ban the family from the course. In this case no monies will be refunded. The child/children will have contact with different materials. Please inform us in advance of any allergy, medical or additional needs your child / children have. little art does not take responsibility for instances where parents/carers have not provided the appropriate information regarding allergies, medical or physical needs, or rejection of resources and materials. A list of materials may be provided upon request. In case of allergies or rejections to resources the parent/carer is responsible for ensuring the child/children doesn’t/don’t use/eat these resources, which little art have alerted the parent/carer to, based on the child’s declared needs during completion of the class registration form. Please also help keep the floors clear of spillages (let us know if you see any so we can mop up,) or other hazards so that the children can move freely.


10. HEALTH AND SAFETY (without parents in attendance)
The safety of all children has first priority.

11. When parents/carers are dropping off their son/daughter, by signing this document, little art staff have been therefore given permission for children to have access to all art supplies, tools and materials provided for art making. Parents/carers must inform little art of any allergies your child/children may have and/or if there are any rejections to the resources provided. little art does not take responsibility for instances where parents/carers have not provided the appropriate information regarding allergies, medical or physical needs, or rejection of resources and materials. A list of materials may be provided upon request. In some cases activities may not be suitable for some children. We will discourage excessive mess or waste and will reserve the right to stop a child if we believe them to be doing something potentially highly problematic e.g. items could fall from a height onto someone.

In order to start the session as promptly as possible, we ask that you drop your children off and vacate the premises in a timely manner.

12. Collection of children
Please note that anyone unknown to us, who comes to collect your child will be asked to identify themselves in the form of a passport, driver’s license or German Personalausweis. Anyone coming to collect your child who has not been entered on the registration form will be turned away.

13. Children with special/additional needs
Please inform little art if your child/children has/have particular needs. It may be necessary for parents/carers to accompany their children to ensure a safe and happy environment for everyone. If you have any questions or queries about your son/daughter’s needs in this respect, please email little art in advance to arrange a phone call. It may be necessary to have a pre-class visit in the case of any physical needs to determine if needs can be accommodated successfully or if additional arrangements can be made.


I. The photographs (and video/audio) uploaded on the Internet by little art with your consent are available worldwide. Further use of these photos by third parties can therefore not be excluded.

II. Little art reserves all rights and interest in any copyright, design right, registered design, patent or trademark ("intellectual property") arising as a result of the actions or work of a child in conjunction with any member of staff and/or other children at little art for a purpose associated with little art. Little art will acknowledge and allow to be acknowledged the child’s role in creation/development of intellectual property.

15. Force Majeure
An event beyond the reasonable control of little art or the parents is a "Force Majeure Event" and shall include such events as fire, flood, storm, earthquake, volcanic eruption, war, riot, civil unrest, act of terrorism, strikes, industrial disputes, outbreak of epidemic or pandemic of disease, failure of utility service or transportation. If either little art or the parents is prevented from or delayed in carrying out obligations by a Force Majeure Event, that party shall immediately notify the other in text form and shall be excused from performing those obligations while the Force Majeure Event continues. If the Force Majeure Event continues for a total period greater than 90 days, both parties may terminate this contract by providing at least three working days' notice in text form to the other party.

Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable as a whole or in part, the validity, effectiveness and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. Any such invalid, ineffective or unenforceable provision shall be deemed replaced by such valid, effective and enforceable provision as comes closest to the economic intent and the purpose of such invalid, ineffective or unenforceable provision.

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The place of jurisdiction is Berlin. There are no additional agreements. Any supplementary agreements or amendments to these Terms and Conditions must be made in writing in order to be valid. The consent to these terms and conditions and to use photographs has to be given jointly by both parents if no exemption to the legal determination applies. If in the case of joint representation only one parent signs, in doing so this parent confirms that he / she represents the other parent.